Sunday, November 6, 2011


Last year, I visited Budapest over the same holiday weekend we just finished.  I never posted pictures to the blog, so I thought now would be a good time to do it.  I absolutely adored visiting Budapest and was thrilled that it was my first real adventure after moving to Prague.
Our first stop upon getting to town was to find food.  We happened upon a Langos stand.  Langos is fried dough topped with cheese, garlic, and sour cream.  It is as amazing as it sounds!  The guy in the middle heard us speaking English in the tiny shop, and bought our Langos for us "to welcome us to Budapest."  He's Hungarian, but lived in Florida for many years and was home visiting.  He was so wonderful!

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephan's mummified hand

View from top of St. Stephan's

Parliament Building


Opera House




My friend Bryan trying Palinka - Hungarian liqueur

Chicken Paprika

Shopping area and St. Stephan's

Oldest Cafe in Budapest 

Amazing desserts!

Castle Wall

Matthias Cathedral - interesting combination of eastern and western decoration

Matthias Cathedral 

Matthias Cathedral 

Matthias Cathedral 

Matthias Cathedral 

Matthias Cathedral 

Parliament from the castle

Castle wall - it looks like a sand castle to me!

Matthias Cathedral

Castle wine cellar - parts of it are over 400 years old.  They were hosting a Slovenian wine tasting that day, so we tasted wines and met some wonderful people.


Gellert Baths - a wonderful way to relax after lots of walking!

Millenium Plaza - Michael Jackson shot a music video here

The Great Synagogue 

Coutyard where thousands of Jewish people were killed during WWII

Memorial to Holocaust victims - each leaf has a persons name on it

Who doesn't love a Strudl House?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I just love these photos.... good food and fabulous things to see... thanks again
