Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tea in Istanbul

Time and time again, Katrina and I would be asked to tea by people we didn't even know.  They told us repeatedly that they viewed us as their guests and they wanted to welcome us into their homes or shops to get to know us better.  We met some wonderful, kind, and generous people through our random teas in Istanbul. We also had tea on our own too, but it was nice to get to know some people and learn about their city from them over a cup of fabulous Turkish tea.

Turkish tea is very strong!  The bottom pot is hot water
while the top pot is the strong tea.  You fill the glass about 1/3 with
tea and then the rest with hot water.  It is wonderful!

Turkish Tea and Coffee
Both are very strong!  Turkish coffee is brewed with sugar and is thus
almost syrupy, but not too sweet.  It has the grounds in it, so
you have to be careful at the end of a cup.

You can literally buy tea anywhere.  This guy walks through the markets
selling tea to the store owners.  I love that it is ALWAYS served in
a glass with saucer - no paper here!

One new friend - the leather store owner

Our hostel friend

Random guys enjoying a tea together in the sun

Love this couple!

More random guys having tea

Apple Tea by the Yeni Mosque

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