Today was amazing and I was able to go on a great hike! Not to worry friends, I was on a heavily trafficked trail near Jenny Lake. I never went more than 5 minutes without seeing some other hikers. And the best part - this hike was gorgeous! I saw hidden falls and inspiration point and then walked up through a gorgeous canyon and had amazing views of the mountains.

While hiking, I had a lot of thoughts about life and where things are going for me. Perhaps it was being in the gorgeous outdoors or spending time at inspiration point, but whatever it was, it was interesting. I'm not sure if its because I'm currently surrounded by retired people (most of our guests are retired, since schools have started) or just being in this gorgeous area, but I've decided retirement is a good idea. I also wonder why we have to wait until we're in our 60s to enjoy some much deserved down-time. Now, I have said for a long time that people should get to retire first and then work, but clearly that plan hasn't come to fruition yet. :)

It has inspired me to find ways to enjoy the things that make me happy even while I'm working. Or perhaps its just that my perspective has changed. What's important has shifted for sure. I used to be focused on making money and gathering all these amazing things - and now I'm focused on having time to enjoy myself and time with people I care about. Clearly things have little importance to me these days, as literally most everything I own fits into my tiny Honda Civic!

I guess its just nice to be on a path that feels right to me in so many ways. I'm allowed to have the time to hike on a Monday afternoon and even when I work, I get an amazing view of the mountains. I g

uess I'm just realizing there's more to life than getting ahead. Not that I've ever been that driven in that way, but its interesting nonetheless. I'm excited for what the future holds and am enjoying this new perspective and way of life. I feel more relaxed now than I have ever before, and there's something to be said for that. Life's too short to not enjoy each day.
As my new favorite "Life is Good" t-shirt says: The journey is the destination. I have taken things for granted in the past, and rushed through life. I'm enjoying this slower pace and time to enjoy the moment. The journey truly is the destination.
:) <-- That smile is comment enough!