So, I arrived at Jackson Lake Lodge (http://www.gtlc.com/lodging/jackson-lake-lodge-overview.aspx) this afternoon and I'll be starting work as a hostess in the Mural Room (A fabulous restaurant) here at the JLL as it's referred to by the staff. Wow, I already fit in! :)
The drive across Wyoming was gorgeous. I feel like on part of it (most of it is on 2 lane highway) that I only saw about 10 cars in 3 hours! There really are some vast, open spaces here, but it was gorgeous. A pit-stop in Dubois, WY helped pass the time. I saw a sign for "Large Jackalope exhibit" and had to stop. I went in, and it was truly impressive! It was at least 6.5 feet tall! Even more exciting was the gift emporium that surrounded it! :) I can't tell what was more humerous - the exhibit or the 3 signs outside advertising this exciting exhibit.
Well, I got all checked in, acquired my uniform (elastic waisted black pants - sexy, a tux shirt, tie, and vest). This is going to be a classy look for me. I checked in at the Mural Room where a girl there asked what I would be doing there. I told her I'd be a hostess and she said, "Well, you should reconsider that!" Not exactly sure what that means, but something tells me that it'll be manageable. Especially after living and working with over 500 freshmen!
Then I went over to my room. It's a nice room that I have to myself - thankfully! With a bathroom down the hall. Its simple but cozy. And as soon as I unpack, it'll be even better. Thankfully there isn't much to unpack.
I had dinner in the nice employee dining room and am now hanging out in the lodge watching the sunset and enjoying this gorgeous place!
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